about damn time. But Andrew Garfield must be scared out of his mind. After the
news broke out that Spider-Man will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is
either going to get a nice bump in pay for his roll as Spider-Man…Or the
Studios might just bump him out completely and recast the role. Either way
Marvel did not buy Spider-Man back. Instead Marvel is going to work with Sony
to help them make the movies. For the full story please click the link below
Sony Pictures Entertainment Brings Marvel Studios Into The Amazing World Of Spider-Man
Sony Pictures Entertainment Brings Marvel Studios Into The Amazing World Of Spider-Man
Update: Andrew Garfield is out of the picture :( oh well I hope they go with the Miles Morales as the new Spider-Man and if they do I hope its Donald Glover
being that he is on the casting list for Miles spider-Man and he is a perfect fit.For more info click the link below
Who Is Miles Morales? Meet The Hero Who Could Become The New Movie Spider-Man